Magnolia Table Chocolate Chip Cookies

My father has an extreme tooth. 1 day once I was about ten years old, Dad got a hankering and he enlisted me to help Toll House chocolate chip cookies are made by him. This was the very first time he and I had baked together. Ever since that time I make chocolate chip cookies, such as those from this recipe, I think afternoon we spent in kitchen and of him.

I developed this recipe through time, after using them come out time and experimenting with a few classics. I wanted something which was lovely chunky, and yummy. In the long run was to cut back on the butter. I do think that butter makes everything better and nobody is more astonished about how beautiful these flavor though they're created with not one of the things than most chocolate chip cookies than I'm.


about 40 cookies


  1. 1 heaping tsp baking soda
  2. 1/2 tsp sea salt
  3. 8 tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butterat room temperature
  4. 2 cups packed brown sugar
  5. 2 large eggs
  6. 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Put the flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowlplace aside.
  2. Put sugar and the butter at a stand mixer. Conquer medium-high rate until fluffy and light . Add the eggs and beat until combined. Add the vanilla and beat until combined.
  3. Turn off the mixer and then add the flour mixture. Mix on medium speed only until the flour is blended in, then turn the mixer to pull on the dough together. Add the chocolate chips and beat to immediately and completely blend about 5 minutes, from the chips.
  4. Drop the dough by spoonfuls onto the prepared baking sheet; do not sew them. Bake until browned on top. Cool minute, then transfer the cookies to the stand to cool.
  5. Amount: based on what you are in the mood for, you can add less or 1/2 cup chocolate than that which is known for.

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