This vegan fudge that is simple combines a number of the plant based sources of calcium such as molasses, figs, almonds and seeds to create a fudge. If you are after a low-carb or plant-based/vegan diet then you will come. A recipe for fiber.

There are a number of plant sources of calcium such as dark leafy greens such as kale and spring greens, broccoli, oranges, and beans that are white . Therefore, in the event that you eat a balanced and diverse diet that is plant-based it's simple to find the RDA of calcium.



  1. 1 cup Raisins
  2. 5 tablespoon Blackstrap molasses
  3. 4 tablespoons Cacao/Cocoa powder
  4. 1 tablespoon Cinnamon


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  1. 4-6 tablespoon Sweetener like Coconut or Maple syrup
  2. In the Event That You prefer however, the icing will not place as firm 2 Coconut oil, it is possible to leave out
  3. 4 tablespoons Cacao/Cocoa powder
  4. Put almonds and the sesame seeds and mix for a few mins until split.
  5. Add everything to the fudge and mix for a few mins till it sticks together into a chunk.
  6. Turn out the fudge to a pan approximately 8″ squared and press .
  7. Combine all the frosting ingredients together you might have to put in a tablespoon of water.
  8. Spread the icing over the fudge in order for it to set and cool.
  9. Will last for 3 days in the refrigerator with weeks or the frosting and may be suspended.

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